Monday, May 12, 2014

Chapter 3

  Bluepaw opened her eyes in the apprentice den, expecting a warm light to warm her pelt, but all she received was a cool chill. She shivered and pushed herself through the bracken curtain. The camp wasn't very busy, and as Bluepaw looked up at the cloud-covered sun, she realized with a jolt it was already sun-high. Lionblaze will have already sent out many patrols, and Bluepaw wondered why she wasn't on one of them.
 She padded up to Seedwhisker, who was talking to her kit-heavy sister, Lilyblossom. Bluepaw waited patiently for them to finish, then stepped forward.
 "Greetings Bluepaw. What keeps you in the camp on this... fine day?" Seedwhisker purred sarcastically, glancing at the overcast sky.
 "I wanted to know the same thing. I was supposed to go hunting with Dovewing today, but she hasn't woke me and she doesn't seem to be anywhere here." Bluepaw gestured around the camp with her tail.
 Lilyblossom looked around and shrugged.
 "I haven't seen her either. But then again, I haven't really seen anything outside the nursery lately." She glanced wistfully at her belly, but Bluepaw saw a warm glimmer in her eyes. Seedwhisker nodded.
 "I'll take you out later today," She meowed in reply to her sister. Then she turned to Bluepaw, "And as for Dovewing, I saw her go into Jayfeather's den, but that was this morning. She might still be in there." She nodded unconvincingly toward the medicine den. Bluepaw mewed her thanks, and padded over to the den. She pushed through the ferns and into a cool, shady, den. After realized no cat was there, she pushed through a thin crevice in the rock. Dewpaw was sorting through herbs, murmuring to himself.
 "...that's coltsfoot, and we're out of burdock root, I'll have to get some later." He pushed his pale paw farther into the rock and pulled out a lumpy, wrinkled object. Shriveling his nose in disgust he pushed it to the far side of the den.
 "Correction, we'll have to get some fresh burdock later." Bluepaw mewed quietly to show her presence, and Dewpaw jumped.
 "Great StarClan, Bluepaw! You almost made my heart stop." He sighed and collapsed dramatically. Bluepaw purred with laughter and cuffed him over the ear.
 "Oh, please. Nothing makes your heart stop except for missing burdock."
Dewpaw's ears flicked in embarrassment.
 "Well, I have work to do, what do you want?" He sounded annoyed, but Bluepaw saw his whiskers twitch in amusement.
 Bluepaw sniffed the air. Dovewing had definitely been in here. She turned to Dewpaw.
 "Is Dovewing still in here? She hasn't taken me out today." Bluepaw's ears twitched with worry. Was Dovewing sick? Is that why she had come to the medicine den? Dewpaw's eyes flickered with surprise.
 "Y-you didn't know? I thought she would tell you, of all cats." He trailed off when he saw Bluepaw's questioning glare.
 "Sorry. Well, She didn't tell you so I must," His eyes glowed excitedly. "Dovewing is expecting kits! Jayfeather said she has been for a while, and that she should cease training. She is probably in her den now. I am surprised she didn't tell you, or at least have another cat tell you." He shrugged and turned back to his work. Bluepaw padded quickly out of the den, forgetting to say goodbye. She would apologize later. Right now she needed to speak with Dovewing.

 Bluepaw pushed through the brambles covering the warriors den. She immediately saw Dovewing surled in a ball. No other cat was there except Bumblestripe, who was pulling a wet paw over his face. His eyes opened as Bluepaw came in. He looked at her quizzically, and then Dovewing, and seemed to understand. Wordlessly, he stood up and pushed past Bluepaw. Bluepaw cleared her throat loudly, but Dovewing didn't move. She prodded her gently with one paw, and the gray she-cat stirred. She lifted her head drowsily and blinked. When she recognized Bluepaw she gasped and stood up.
 "Bluepaw! Oh Bluepaw, I am so sorry, I completely forgot to tell you..." Bluepaw's face softened, and she licked on of her mentor's ears.
 "That's okay Dovewing, I am really happy for you. Bumblestripe is the father, right?" Bluepaw thought she saw Dovewing hesitate before nodding quickly. "And you've told him, I'm assuming." Dovewing glanced at her paws, and Bluepaw felt guilty for being so interrogative. She pushed her nose into Dovewing's fur.
 "That's alright. Although, shouldn't you be in the nursery?" Dovewing nodded and the two she-cats pushed out into the camp clearing. Side by side, they walked silently until Dovewing gasped.
 "Wait! There are two cats I need to talk to." First, she bounded lightly over to Bumblestripe, who was gnawing on a vole near the fresh-kill pile, and she crouched next to him. They murmured quietly for a moment, and Bluepaw saw Bumblestripe's eyes light up. He leapt to his paws and licked his mates' head gently then guided her back to Bluepaw. Dovewing rolled her eyes, but as she leaned against Bumblestripe, her eyes will brimming with affection.
 "Alright Bumblestripe, it's not like I'm the first cat to have kits ever." She nodded pointedly to Squirrelflight, who was resting outside her den. Her new kits, Finchkit, Sunkit and Firekit were a less than a quarter moon old, and they played in the struggling sunlight with Bramblestar's tail, attempting to pounce on it as their father flicked it back and forth.
 Bumblestripe nodded, but then his eyes lit up again.
 "But you are the first cat to ever give birth to my kits!" He purred, and Dovewing flicked his ear.
 "Wow, Bumblestripe, way to make it all about you!" They purred and touched noses, and Bumblestripe bounded off when he hear Lionblaze called. Dovewing padded back to Bluepaw, and Bluepaw blinked her eyes warmly. Dovewing beckoned with her tail, and they padded over to Rosepetal, who was sharing tongues with her father, Spiderleg. the two cats looked up as Dovewing and Bluepaw sat next to them, though Bluepaw wasn't sure why. Perhaps Dovewing just wanted to sit with them?
 "Rosepetal, Spiderleg." Dovewing dipped her head to each cat in turn, and they nodded back. Dovewing crouched next to Rosepetal, and the she-cat looked at her questioningly, as it looked like there was something on her mind. Dovewing hesitated, apparently choosing her words carefully.
 "Rosepetal, it seems I am expecting kits." She paused as the the cream she-cat licked her ear happily, and Spiderleg meowed his congratulations. Dovewing continued, "And as I will have to move into the nursery, I would like you to continue Bluepaw's training." Rosepetal's eyes shone with surprise and delight.
 "Me? Well, of course! I would be honored." She dipped her dark cream-colored head to Bluepaw, and Bluepaw dipped hers in turn, pleased with Dovewing's choice. Rosepetal hadn't had an apprentice since Molewhisker had been an apprentice, ad she had been waiting, probably hoping for one of Squirrelflight's kits. Bluepaw touched noses with her new mentor, and Bramblestar's meow suddenly rang out across the clearing.
 "Let all those cat's old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!"
Brackenfur and Sorreltail were already sitting beneath the Highledge, and Sandstorm was padding next to Dustpelt. They settled themselves down not far from their den, and other cats joined them. Bluepaw sat next to Rosepetal and curled her tail over her paws. Soon, all cats were gathered. Bramblestar spoke again.
 "Clan members, we are gathered here today for a ceremony that is well deserved by those receiving it." Bluepaw glanced around in confusion. None of the kits were old enough to be apprentices. Maybe
Smokepaw and Flamepaw were becoming warriors? Bramblestar beckoned forward Brackenfur and Sorreltail.
"Brackenfur and Sorreltail, is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go to join the elders?" Bluepaw nodded in understanding. The two cats were well old enough to join the elders moons ago, but Bluepaw admired their determination. The two replied in unison.
 "It is." Bramblestar continued.
 "Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest to come." He nodded to the cats as the rest of the Clan called their names.
"Brackenfur, Sorreltail!" Bluepaw joined in, watching as Cinderheart, Poppyfrost, and Seedwhisker wove around their parents. Lilyblossom called loudly from the nursery. Bluepaw glanced around the crowd, her heart filling with warmth. This was her Clan, so supportive and close to one another. Something at the edge of her eye flickered, and she turned around to find Sweetpaw glaring at her. The brown and white cat quickly looked away and bounded into the apprentice den. Bluepaw was shocked at the hatred that had filled her sisters eyes. Is it me? Bluepaw thought nervously. Is it me she hates? And if so... why?


  1. Wow! This is actually some of the best work I have seen! It actually souns just like something the "Erin Hunter" team would do! Well done!

    1. Thank you! That means so much to me.
